MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '92
Talk & Papers ’92
Mike Engber (LISP)
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240 lines
;; The algorithms come from two papers
;; R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adelman
;; A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Crypto-Systems
;; CACM, (1978), pp.120-126
;; R. Solovay and V. Strassen
;; A Fast Monte-Carlo Test for Primality
;; SIAM Journal on Computing, (1977), pp.84-85.
;;;This function RSA encrypts the specified string
(defun RSA-encode-string (in-string public-key)
(with-input-from-string (in in-string)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(RSA-encode-stream in out public-key))))
;;;This function RSA decrypts the specified string
(defun RSA-decode-string (in-string private-key)
(with-input-from-string (in in-string)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(RSA-decode-stream in out private-key))))
;;;This function RSA encrypts the specified file
(defun RSA-encode-file (in-pathname out-pathname public-key)
(with-open-file (in in-pathname
:direction :input)
(with-open-file (out out-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :rename-and-delete
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(RSA-encode-stream in out public-key))))
;;;This function RSA decrypts the specified file
(defun RSA-decode-file (in-pathname out-pathname private-key)
(with-open-file (in in-pathname
:direction :input)
(with-open-file (out out-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :rename-and-delete
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(RSA-decode-stream in out private-key))))
;;;This function RSA encrypts the specified input stream
;;; and puts the encrypted data onto the specified output stream
(defun RSA-encode-stream (in-stream out-stream public-key)
(let* ((block-size (1- (RSA-block-size public-key)))
(block (make-string block-size))
(i 0))
(when (null (listen in-stream)) (return i))
(incf i)
(dotimes (i block-size)
(setf (char block i) (read-char in-stream nil (code-char 0))))
(princ (RSA-encode-block block public-key) out-stream))))
;;;This function RSA decrypts the specified input stream
;;; and puts the decrypted data onto the specified output stream
(defun RSA-decode-stream (in-stream out-stream private-key)
(let* ((block-size (RSA-block-size private-key))
(block (make-string block-size))
(i 0))
(when (null (listen in-stream)) (return i))
(incf i)
(dotimes (i block-size)
(setf (char block i) (read-char in-stream t)))
(princ (RSA-decode-block block private-key) out-stream))))
;;;This function RSA encrypts a single block of message
(defun RSA-encode-block (string public-key)
(let ((block-size (RSA-block-size public-key)))
(unless (< (length string) block-size)
(error "string too long ~a >= ~a to be correctly encoded" (length string) block-size))
(int-to-string (expt-mod (string-to-int string) (second public-key) (first public-key))
;;;This function RSA decrypts a single block of message
(defun RSA-decode-block (string private-key)
(int-to-string (expt-mod (string-to-int string) (second private-key) (first private-key))))
;;;Returns the encryption block size in character for the specified key
(defun RSA-block-size (key)
(prog1 (ceiling (integer-length (first key)) 8)))
;;;Give a pair of primes this function generates an RSA key pair from them.
;;;It returns 2 values, the public key and private key.
;;;Each key is a list of 2 numbers - the 2nd number is actually the key.
(defun RSA-gen-keys (prime-1 prime-2)
(let* ((p prime-1)
(q prime-2)
(phi (* (1- p) (1- q)))
(pri-key (RSA-choose-private-key p q phi))
(pub-key (multiplicative-inverse pri-key phi))
(msg-size (* p q)))
(values (list msg-size pub-key) (list msg-size pri-key))))
;;;Choose a private key for p,q,phi
(defun RSA-choose-private-key (p q phi)
(do ((d (+ (max p q) 2) (+ d 2)))
((eq (gcd d phi) 1) d)))
;;;Solovay & Strassen prime test.
;;generates a prime of the specified number of digits
(defun gen-prime (digits &key (certainty 20))
(let* ((ten-expt-digits-1 (expt 10 (1- digits)))
(ten-expt-digits (* 10 ten-expt-digits-1))
(n (+ ten-expt-digits-1 (random (* 9 ten-expt-digits-1)))))
(when (evenp n) (incf n))
(dotimes (i (ceiling (- ten-expt-digits n) 2) (error "no ~a digit primes found." digits))
(when (prime-p n certainty) (return-from gen-prime n))
(incf n 2))))
;;;A list of the first 100 primes
(defconstant *first-primes*
'(1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197
199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313
317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439
443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523))
;;;Returns whether n is prime with a certainty of 1 - 1/2^test-count.
;;;It uses an improved version of the original Solovay & Strassen
;;;prime test. Based on Eric Bach's suggestion of using a sequence
;;;of primes rather than random numbers.
;;; make sure num_tests <= the number of primes in *first_primes*
(defun prime-p (n test-count)
(unless (<= test-count (length *first-primes*))
(error "test-count must be less than ~a." (length *first-primes*)))
(when (oddp n)
(let ((prime-list *first-primes*)
(a nil))
(dotimes (i test-count n)
(setf a (pop prime-list))
((>= a n) (return n))
((> (gcd a n) 1) (return nil))
((/= (mod (jacobi a n) n) (expt-mod a (/ (1- n) 2) n)) (return nil)))))))
;;; misc utils
;;Returns base^power mod modulus
;;significantly more efficient than (mod (expt base power) modulus)
(defun expt-mod (base power modulus)
(if (zerop power)
(let ((i (1- (integer-length power)))
(result 1))
(when (logbitp i power)
(setf result (mod (* result base) modulus)))
(when (zerop i) (return result))
(setf result (mod (* result result) modulus))
(decf i)))))
;;;Returns the value of the jacobi symbol (m/n)
(defun jacobi (m n)
((= m 1) 1)
((or (zerop m) (evenp n)) 0)
((evenp m) (* (if (/= (mod n 8) 3 5) 1 -1) (jacobi (/ m 2) n)))
(t (* (if (= (mod m 4) (mod n 4) 3) -1 1) (jacobi (mod n m) m)))))
;;;Returns multiplicative inverse of x1 mod x0 using the extended
;;;version of Euclid's algorithm. If the numbers are not relatively
;;;prime nil will be returned. (algorithm deduced from RSA paper)
(defun multiplicative-inverse (n modulus)
(labels ((multinv (x1 x0 a1 a0 b1 b0 m)
(if (= x1 0)
(if (= x0 1) (mod b0 m))
(multinv (mod x0 x1) x1
(- a0 (* (truncate x0 x1) a1)) a1
(- b0 (* (truncate x0 x1) b1)) b1
(if m m x0)))))
(multinv n modulus 0 1 1 0 nil)))
;;;This function returns the integer equivalent to the string
(defun string-to-int (s)
(let ((result 0))
(dotimes (i (length s) result)
(setf result (dpb (char-int (char s i)) (byte 8 (* (- (length s) i 1) 8)) result)))))
;;;This function returns the string equivalent of an integer
(defun int-to-string (n &optional (str-len (ceiling (integer-length n) 8)))
(let ((result (make-string str-len)))
(dotimes (i str-len result)
(setf (char result i) (code-char (ldb (byte 8 (* (- str-len i 1) 8)) n))))))
(defvar pub)
(defvar pri)
;;50 digit primes -> ~100 digit keys
(pub pri)
(RSA-gen-keys 77003373946484615565077855874935689789585714881953
;;5 digit primes -> ~10 digit keys - faster performance
(multiple-value-setq (pub pri) (RSA-gen-keys 47251 35747))
(RSA-decode-string (RSA-encode-string "the rain in spain" pub) pri)
(RSA-decode-string (RSA-encode-string "the rain in spain" pri) pub)
(RSA-encode-file (choose-file-dialog) (choose-new-file-dialog) pub)
(RSA-decode-file (choose-file-dialog) (choose-new-file-dialog) pri)